On Saturday, August 15th, 2009 five Burundi refugee couples decided to legalize and bless their unions at First Presbyterian Church. Great thanks to Sandra Randleman who performed the ceremony for these couples.
For those reading this update my wonder what's going on! Here is a little background to help you ... most people in refugee camps do not get a church wedding. Two parties come together and agree to live together, of course they do what is traditionally acceptable between the two families but not everyone gets a chance to have a proper wedding ceremony or even a marriage certificate. So in the spring, one couple approached William and asked him if there is a way for them to have a proper wedding ceremony! From just one couple the number grew into five couples. They all decided that they can do this on one day and have a big celebration. It was a grand celebration, the Burundi community celebrated together even those in other states joined them for the great event.
However, this day would not have been possible without the great help of many individuals that felt compelled to help these couples create lasting memories of their wedding. We are very grateful to the women of 4th Avenue Church of Christ for everything they did to make this day the most memorable to these couples. We very thankful to FPC for letting these couples use their facility but most of all for the great witnesses they have been to this community. Thanks to the sunday schools at FPC that helped with the organization of this day. Many thanks to Sandra Randleman for taking time on a Saturday afternoon to perform the ceremony.
This was absolutely a day to remember and thanks to everyone who made it possible.